There are a few things that you can look for with your roof which will spare potential future problems.
Look for any missing, slipped, or broken tiles. Tiles can slide into the gutter, so looking along the gutter line is an easy way to quickly check for obvious missing tiles. Tiles and slates start to flake and disintegrate, particularly during cold weather. Water enters small cracks in the surface of the tile, before it freezes and expands. This is seen by small orange flakes scattering the tiled roof.
Freezing water can also cause the mortar to crack and disintegrate. Check all mortar work (such as ridges and hips) to make sure that the cement hasn’t disintegrated away from the tiles. This can result in a loose ridge tile which can cause damage to the rest of the roof, particularly in strong winds.
It is also important to regularly check and clean the gutters. Leaves, dirt and debris can all end up in a gutter, causing it to block. A blocked gutter can cause a leak due to the overflow of water needing somewhere to go.